Tuesday, 23 November 2010


In order to find out more about our target audience to help us produce a thriller that will be of interest to those viewing it, we produced a twenty-question questionnaire and handed out forty copies. The questionnaire consists of a number of optional answers instead of many open ended questions in order to allow us to count votes more easily. The questions were written in such a manner that the people that they were issued to - over 15's - were able to understand all of the questions with ease - group members were present while they filled out the questionnaire to offer any help or definitions. Enough space was given for the person to write their answer and extra space was provided should they wish to explain their answers. Here is a copy of the questionnaire - the question's options are written in bold.


1.) Are you male or female?

2.) How old are you? (15-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46+)

3.)What is your favourite of the following thriller films? (Seven,  Red Eye, The Silence of the Lambs, Jaws)

4.) What music genre do you like to hear in a film? (Rock, Classical, Metal, Industrial Metal, Dubstep)

5.) What music genre do you think is best suited to a thriller film? (Rock, Classical, Metal, Industrial Metal, Dubstep)

6.) What is your favourite colour? (Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, White)

7.) What are you most afraid of? (Spiders, Darkness, Blood, Footsteps, Ticking Clocks, Heartbeats)

8.) What time of day do you think is most suitable for the setting of a thriller? (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night)

9.) Would you prefer the narrative to be slow or fast?

10.) What kind of location do you think is most suitable for setting a thriller in? (House, Forest, Alley)

11.) What kind of font suits a thriller best? (Simple, Detailed, Scary, Bold)

12.) Would you prefer a thriller title to be short and simple or long and detailed?

13.) What is your least favourite of the following thrillers? (Seven,  Red Eye, The Silence of the Lambs, Jaws)

14.) Should the film's editing be fast or slow paced?

15.) Would you rather characters remain concealed in the opening or not?

16.) Should the film's narrative be linear or non-linear?

17.) What scares you the least? (Spiders, Darkness, Blood, Footsteps, Ticking Clocks, Heartbeats)

18.) What is your least favourite colour? (Black, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, White)

19.) Do you think sound effects have a positive impact on the atmosphere of a thriller or not?

20.) Do you think that lighting in a thriller should be low-key or high key?

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