Thursday, 3 February 2011

Filming Diary

All of our filming was done in a single night and took us around 6 hours in total. Our clips were filmed in the most practical order possible - we tried to get all of the outdoor scenes in good enough light and we had to wait for one of the actors to arrive from work so the shots including him could only be filmed once he had arrived. We had previously attempted to film on an earlier date but due to problems involving the snow we decided to wait until the snow had gone for safety reasons and so that all of our outdoor shots would be taken with no snow in the shots so that there were no issues involving continuity. We waited for the roads to be quiet to film the shots with the car to avoid any outside interferences from civilians and other cars in order to get the desired shot. We filmed any hard and concerning shots multiple times to increase our chances of getting a good take of it and used the tripod to keep the shot steady and accurate whenever possible.

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